
What can we learn from quiet?
“We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started”- T.S. Eliot (Little Gidding V, Four Quartets, 1943)

Current Discussion: Some believe mindful practices are self-focused and placate pressing and controversial issues. Do these sentiments resonate with your experiences with mindful practice?

Some believe mindful practices are self-focused and placate pressing and controversial issues. Do these sentiments resonate with your experiences in mindful practice? We invite you to reflect on your practice and share your thoughts, strategies, and techniques.


Current Discussion: Thriving learning communities often experience moments of discomfort. How do you encourage yourself and your students to remain present when challenged?

We know that thriving learning communities often experience moments of discomfort. How do you encourage yourself and your students to remain present when challenged? We invite you to reflect on your practice and share your thoughts, strategies, and techniques.

“If a man is to live, he must be all alive, body, soul, mind, heart, spirit.” - Thomas Merton


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